Handheld police scanner has it all - Advanced Dynamic Memory System, Close Call RF Capture Technology, location-based scanning, and more. You can search and program 25000 dynamically allocated channels.
Use the 100 quick keys access to quickly access the system you use the most. Add to that TrunkTracker V and S. E weather alerts, the BCD325P2 is an excellent digital police scanner for professionals and enthusiasts.
TRUNKTRACKER V Receives all unencrypted, non-proprietary radio systems including, APCO-25 Phase I and Phase II digital, Motorolla, EDACS, LTR, conventional analog and P25 digital channels. CLOSE CALLT RF CAPTURE WITH DND.Provides information about nearby radio transmissions. Comes with Do-Not-Disturb feature which checks for Close Call activity in between channel reception so active channels are not interrupted. Connect to a compatible GPS receiver and it will automatically select programmed systems based on your exact location.
25,000 DYNAMIC CHANNELS Scan and search 25,000 channels. This scanner will automatically tune to the signals nearest you, so you can keep track of what's going on in your area. DCS/CTCSS RAPID DECODE Instantly detects and displays the sub audible tone so you can quickly determine the system settings.