We had this scanner for a number of years and one time when we wanted to update the micro SD card externally a tiny spring flew away when we opened the memory card holder. We instead permanently kept the 8gb card in the unit with a cover. The Uniden BCD436HP continues Uniden's tradition of leading innovation and creating premium scanner products for professionals and enthusiasts. Simply enter your zip code and the BCD436HP selects nearby channels from the complete USA/Canada database from RadioReference.
Uniden's exclusive Close Call RF Capture feature, GPS Connectivity, Extra-Large Display, Radio System Analysis and Discover Modes makes this the ideal scanner for enthusiasts. Includes all known radio systems in the US and Canada. The database is updatable with the Sentinel software. Allows you to set your location by zip/postal code or GPS coordinates for instant reception. The Auto-Locate feature will determine your general location if you don't know where you are. Scans APCO 25 Phase 1 and Phase 2, X2-TDMA, Motorola, EDACS, and LTR trunked systems, as well as conventional analog and P25 digital channels. Monitors system traffic on a trunked radio system to find unknown IDs and automatically records audio from and logs new channels for later review and identification.Lets you set the scanner to alert you if a two-tone sequential page is transmitted. You can set up to 32 tone-outs.
The scanner will also search and display unknown tones.